With a population of 835, Highmore is a helpful, family orientated community. When in Highmore you will find 50 businesses, baseball field, two parks, a swimming pool, a rodeo arena, hunting and fishing, and camping facilities. Highmore has a large group of civic organizations including: Volunteer Fire Department, Women's Civic League, Hyde County Action Club, Jaycees, 4-H Clubs, Highmore Booster Club, Extension Club, Roundup Club, Ministerial Association, and Development Corporation.

How was Highmore named?
The first theory says that the town site was the highest point on the Northwestern Railway between the Missouri River and the Eastern border of Dakota Territory.
The second theory states that the town is named for a surveyor that worked for the railroad.
The third theory is the from a foreign worker describing the rising slope by saying "high more high more".
Places named after people from Highmore:
Mike Durfee State Prison
Royal C. Johnson Veteran's Hospital
Find us on a map latitude +44.50000 longitude -99.43300.