Special meeting Nov. 7, 2015




November 17, 2015

High School Math Room

6:00 PM



The Highmore-Harrold School Board of Education met in special session on November 17, 2015 in the High School math room at 6:04 pm. Members present: Michael Bollweg, Paula Haiwick, Paul Knox, Jim Stephenson. Buchholz, Rittel and Semmler were absent. Others present: Superintendent Chip Sundberg, Business Manager Mark Chilson, Principal Quinton Cermak, Rodney Freeman, Amy Bartling, Pat Mullen, Gerry Kaufman, Cheri Whittler.

Vice President Bollweg called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Haiwick/Knox moved to approve the agenda with an addition for approval of a hearing officer. The motion passed.

            Stephenson/Haiwick moved to appoint Gerry Kaufman as hearing officer for executive session. The motion passed.

          Haiwick/Knox moved to enter into executive session for personnel matter (SDCL 1-25-2-1) at 6:05 pm. The motion passed.

            The Board came out of executive session at 10:20 pm.

            Haiwick/Knox moved to recess to a date to be determined later 10:21 pm. The motion passed.



                                                            ____________________________Michael Bollweg


                                                            ____________________________Mark Chilson

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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