January 11 Board Agenda

Highmore-Harrold School District #34-2

School Board Meeting Agenda January 11, 2017

I.                   Call to Order (5:30 pm)/Pledge of Allegiance

II.                Approve/Amend Agenda

III.             Approve minutes of December 12, 2016 Board Meeting

IV.             Approve Bills and Financial Reports

V.                Conflicts Disclosure

VI.             Public Input

VII.          Reports and Discussion Items

A.    Superintendent/High School Principal’s Report

1. Upcoming events: 1-Act Play, 281 BB Tourneys, National FCCLA Week

2. Prom…

3. Shared grant stipend out of payroll

4. Sub pay – guaranteed half day of pay

5. Negotiation committee reminder: Bollweg, Haiwick, Semmler

6. 2017-2018 Calendar Proposals

B.     Elementary Principal’s Report

1. Monthly preview/review

C.     Business Manager’s Report

1.      Motion to set Board Election Date for April 11, 2017 to run concurrently with the City Election.  Clint Buchholz, Michael Bollweg, and Jennifer Semmler’s positions are up for election for three year terms.  Petitions can be taken out on January 27 from the Business Office and are due February 24.

VIII.       Old Business

A.    Approve Second Reading of FC – Facilities Capitalization Program procedure editing

B.     Building and Grounds – Architectural drawings and price quotes for proposed new construction project(s) and next steps in this process

IX.             New Business

A.    Motion to Approve mutual contract termination with Emma McKirdey-Wilsey

B.     Motion to Approve Leslie Brown letter of resignation

C.     Motion to Approve Janna Larson letter of resignation

D.    Motion to Approve Open Enrollment applications 17A, 17B, 17C

E.     Motion to Approve Home School Exemption (11)

X.                Next Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 15 at 5:30pm due to rescheduled BBB game on 2/13

XI.             Motion to enter into Executive Session for Student Matters SDCL 1-25-2 (2)

XII.          Motion to enter into Executive Session for Personnel Matters SDCL 1-25-2 (1)

XIII.       Motion to Adjourn 

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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