January 2016 Agenda

Highmore-Harrold School District #34-2

School Board Agenda January 13, 2016

I.                    Call to Order (5:00 PM)

II.                  Approve/Amend Agenda

III.                Approve minutes of December 14th Board meeting.

IV.                Approve Bills and Financial Reports.

V.                  Public Input

VI.                Reports and discussion items:

A.      Superintendent’s Report

1.        Governor’s State of the State Address regarding education

2.        Outstanding Administrator’s Banquet/lobbying (February 3, 2016)

3.        ASBSD Collective Bargaining Seminar (Jennifer Semmler report)

4.        ASBSD Legislative Day (Tuesday February 16th)

5.        One more pitch for ASBSD LAN network for legislative communication

6.        Football/Wrestling COOP Committee Report from December 21st meeting

7.        Varsity Boys Basketball Parent/Community Meeting

8.        Negotiations Committee (Bollweg, Haiwick, and Semmler)

B.      Principal’s Report

1.       Principal’s Monthly Review

2.       Upcoming Activities

C.      Business Manager’s Report

a.       Motion to set Board Election Date for April 12, 2016 to run concurrently with City Election (Kris Rittel’s and Paul Knox’s) positions are up for election for three year terms. Petitions can be taken out on January 29, 2016 from the Business Office. 

VII.              Old Business

A.      Policy Review of BA-Board Operational Goals

B.      Policy Review of BB-School Board Legal Status

C.      Policy Review of BBA-School Board Powers and Duties

D.      Policy Review of BBAA-Board Member Authority

VIII.            New Business

A.      Policy Review for next month will include: BBBA Board Member Qualifications, BBBB Board member Oath of Office, BBC Board Member Resignation/Removal from Office, BBE Unexpired Term Fulfillment, BBEA Unexpired Term Fulfillment Procedures

B.      Motion to Surplus old trade books and dictionaries from the 3rd grade classroom to be given away or disposed of properly

IX.                Next Regular Board Meeting Monday February 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM. 

X.                  Motion  to go into Executive Session for Personnel Matter SDCL 1-25-2 (1)

XI.                Motion to Adjourn 

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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